
Professor, Electrical Engineering 

(Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Telecommunications & Networking) 

IEEE Comsoc Bahrain chapter P./V. Chair/ Founder & R8 MDC member 
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
College of Engineering / IT, University of Bahrain (UOB)
Sakhir, Kingdom of Bahrain, Office # S40-2111, P.O. Box 32038

Mobile Phone: (+973) 33332771
Email 1: 
Email 2:


  • 31 years of active research in Telecommunications,  AI (Machine and Deep learning Applications) and IoT, Applied Electromagnetics, Antennas Design and Optimization.
  • 23+ years of teaching experience of telecommunications and electronics courses in UK, USA, Egypt and Bahrain.
  • Promoted to the rank of Full Professor @ March 2018 
  • 80+ Published papers in various indexed international Journals and conferences and supervised 30+ Ph.D & M.Sc Students.
  • Program chair of communications major (for both undergrad and postgrad) and Director of telecommunications laboratory. 

  • IEEE R8 Membership Development committee member (for Middle east, Africa, and Europe) since 2020.
  • Program manager of global IEEE ComSoc Sister Chapter  (2023 & 2024)
  • Chair/Founder of IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Bahrian Chapter, [2017-date]
  • Vice-chair of IEEE Bahrain section and student activities {Best R8 IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor Award, 2016 } coordinator (SAC), [2015-2018]. {Senior Member since 2009}
  • Awarded many research grants and projects in UK, Bahrain and Euroup (EU)
  • Advisor for Egypt Scholars Inc.
  • Board (ExCom.) member of Society of Excellence & Academic Research, (SEAR), Bahrain
  • Chair and member of various academic, curriculum, research, administrative and ABET committees at UOB
  • Technical Program Committee & Organizing committee (chair and member): for several prestigious IEEE conferences
  • Frequent reviewer for numerous IEEE Journals among others.
  • Conference General Chair: IEEE Middle East and North Africa Communications Conference (ComSoc Conference),
  • IEEE MENACOMM 2019, 19-21 November, Bahrain. []
  • Recent Research interests: Deep Learning Applications, IoT, VANET, UAV networks, Molecular Comm. 
  • National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA) Evaluator / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia since 2019. (Educational Expert in the reform, review, and/or Accreditation of educational programs and universities. 
  • Panel member of 5+ reviews in 2022-2024 for accrediting institutions and undergraduate and graduate programs, including Electrical, Computer and networks Engineering in addition to IT programs in the kingdom. 
  • External Reviewer in academic promotion committees for 20+ Faculty members in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia since 2018.  


Mohab A. Mangoud received B.Sc. and M.Sc. from Alexandria university in 1993 and 1996 respectively, Ph.D. degree from University of Bradford, Bradford, UK in 2001. He worked as a senior RF Engineer for Airbus-Astrium Space Lmt, Hertfordshire, UK, in the field of space and commercial communications satellites. Then, He was Assistant Professor with Electronics and communications Engineering Department, Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) Alexandria, Egypt. Later, Dr. Mangoud joined Bradley Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech.), Blacksburg, Virginia, USA as Adjunct Professor. Currently, he is Professor of wireless communications, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Bahrain (UOB), Bahrain. He is the coordinator of communications courses, Head of telecommunications research Labs and College of Engineering senior projects coordinator at UOB and Telecommunications consultant for Bahrain Polytechnic. His Current research areas of interest include Wireless, Mobile and Personal Communications, Cooperative and Cognitive networks and MIMO Technology. He is also an active member of Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES). Dr. Mangoud is an advisor for Egypt Scholars Incorporation, aiming to participate in raising the level of general and specialized awareness in the field of AI, IoT, Telecommunications and Electromagnetic and to contribute in helping, advising, inspiring young engineers to excel and build a successful carrier. 

 He has published of 80+ scientific papers in national and international conferences and journals. He has an international collaborative experience on several research projects funded by international governmental bodies and private telecommunications companies in US, UK, EU and Bahrain. In 2015, he was awarded European Union scholarship to conduct joint research with EU. Dr. Mangoud is a Senior Member of the IEEE since 2010, IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), IEEE Antenna and Propagations Society (APS), Microwave theory and Techniques society (MTT-S) and IEEE Broadcast Technology Society (BTS). He serves as a reviewer for various reputed journals and conferences annually. Also, He served as Past Vice Chair of IEEE Bahrain Section, Region 8, (Jan 2015-Feb 2018). Prof. Mangoud is also serving as the counselor of IEEE UOB student branch and IEEE Bahrain section students activities chair (Jan 2015-Feb 2018). Also, Prof Mangoud is the founder and the Past chair of the Bahrain communications society chapter, Bahrain ComSoc since Jan 2017. in 2022 he become IEEE R8 MDC member and IEEE ComSoc SCP program manager in 2023-2024. Prof. Mangoud was a TPC member and chaired many committees in IEEE conferences in GCC and MENA region and he is the general executive chair of IEEE MENACOMM 2019 Conference. Prof. Mohab is Saudi Arabia NCAAA Evaluator since 2019. 



"Alhamdu Allah For Everything We Have"​